Without small online specialty rose nurseries I would have very few roses, rather make that no roses at all, because I would not have been able to acquire the ones that do so well in my garden. These nurseries are basically small businesses run by folks who grow and love Old Garden Roses that they propagate themselves. Often they also carry modern roses that are out of patent that have proven themselves strong enough on their own roots to do well without being grafted/budded. (Some modern hybrid roses have lovely blooms but were not strong plants, so they found that grafting them on another rootstock made them stronger plants.) In the last several years we have lost some fine rose nurseries due to the economy and illness, so I'd like to do all I can to strengthen the ones we have left. Hence, the need for this list.
Angel Gardens in Alachua, FL *
Antique Roses Emporium in Brenham, TX *
Brushwood Nursery in Athens, GA *
Chamblee's in Tyler, TX *
Cool Roses in West Palm Beach, FL (They graft roses on Fortuniana rootstock.)
Garden Valley Ranch in Petaluma, CA
Greenmantle Nursery in Garberville, CA (They do not ship to Florida.)
Hartwood Roses in Fredericksburg, VA
Heirloom Roses in St. Paul, OR *
Long Ago Roses in Granite Falls, NC
Northland Rosarium in Spokane, WA
Petals from the Past in Jemison, AL
Rogue Valley Roses in Ashland, OR *
Rose Petals Nursery currently in Newberry, FL *
Roses Unlimited in Laurens, SC *
S&W Greenhouse in White House, TN
Seminole Springs Rose and Herb Farm in Eustis, FL *
Spring Valley Roses in Spring Valley, WI (specializes in winter hardy roses)
Two Sisters Roses in Newcastle, OK
Vintage Gardens Antique & Extraordinary Roses in Sebastopol, CA *
Walk-in Only Nurseries
Amity Rose & Garden Nursery in Hydesville, CA
Crowley Nursery & Gardens, Inc. in Sarasota, FL
Roseglen Gardens in Naples, FL
Teas Nursery Co., Inc., in Bellaire, TX
* I have bought from these nurseries.