Flash!! Flash!!

On a much more serious subject I’m asking for the prayers of the faithful for my newest, sweet daughter-in-law, Missy, who received word today that she has Stage-2 breast cancer and will have a mastectomy by Monday, and for dear son, Mark, who loves her so much. She’s in God’s gracious, loving, almighty hands…as are we all. From the day we first met, Missy has made Tom and me feel truly loved.
- Tropical storm Beryl drops three inches of precious rain on the garden
- Alfalfa tea lavishly ladled this weekend - one barrel leaks itself empty
- Black Hen sprinkled all over garden before rain hits
- Sunn Hemp seeds sown in empty garden spaces, promises nitrogen fixing, nematode deterrance
Flash!! Flash!!
- Canon EOS Rebel T1i DSLR camera purchased on Ebay
- Stay tuned for the photos
- ‘Mrs. B. R. Cant’ blooms in dead shade, never touched by sun
- Fears of bloomless summer unwarranted
- ‘Venosa Violacea’ declares May 29th Purple Day
- ‘Blush Noisette’ buds bode big bloom
- Baby ‘Bermuda’s Anna Olivier’ bears first bud
- First bud opens
- Clematis ‘Jackmanii’ surprises all with appearance
- ‘Modern Marvel’ marvelous when wet
- Amber alert! Daylily missing name
- ‘Mary Guthrie’ joins in bud uprising
- ‘Quietness’ makes noise
- Caladiums voice support for shady roses: ‘Etoile de Mai’ & ‘Bow Bells’
- ‘Bow Bells’ sprouts on pegged canes after 16 days
- ‘Madame Lombard’ up in arms
- Clematis ‘Henryi’ takes first step to top
- ‘Clotilde Soupert’ beats gardener to punch, sprouts before Saturday’s deadheading
- ‘White Pet’ refuses not to bloom
- ‘Le Vesuve’ drenched, unbowed
- ‘Maggie’ voted Most Powerful Woman in garden
- Promises more, more, more
- ‘Full Moon Rising’ feeling fine after transplant
- Manifests multiple blooming laterals along horizontal cane
- Declares victory over verticality
- ‘Fred Ham’ announces campaign slogan “Go Yellow!”
- Echinacea named Flower of the Century
- ‘Duquesa’ rejoices after rain
- ‘Francois Juranville’ lets hair down, soon to be coifed
On a much more serious subject I’m asking for the prayers of the faithful for my newest, sweet daughter-in-law, Missy, who received word today that she has Stage-2 breast cancer and will have a mastectomy by Monday, and for dear son, Mark, who loves her so much. She’s in God’s gracious, loving, almighty hands…as are we all. From the day we first met, Missy has made Tom and me feel truly loved.