Thursday, July 21, 2011

Where are the Monarchs?

They're obviously not in my garden or the milkweed plant wouldn't be so lush and leafy.

I wonder what's going on. I only have two or three plants in this one location since I work diligently at pulling the tiny seedlings that would usurp my whole garden if I didn't. Could the Monarchs be offended by this practice? I don't use insecticides of any kind. Is anyone else missing them?


  1. I have heard from a lot of people that this year is not good for butterflies. I have seen fewer than 10 so far. Maybe they will come yet? Your milkweed is gorgeous.

  2. I live on the Nature Coast and I have not seen one butterfly in my butterfly garden this year.....last year was wonderful....this year the blooms are enormous and the butterflies are no where to be seen.I heard someone comment somewhere that it may be because of the decline in the bee population and pollinators.

  3. I don't see many Monarchs (I need some milkweed!), so I can't help. I have had lots of different types of butterflies, but I always thought the monarchs came through in late summer. I hope you get some soon! It's distressing to hear the butterflies may be in decline, too!

  4. Hey Sherry...My mother and I were discussing the fact that we haven't had many butterflies this year, too when lo and behold I noticed that the milkweed plants were loaded with Monarch cats. Findly, they have arrived. Our fennel is also loaded with swallowtail cats. Now, we're waiting for the sulphur cats. So be patient, I think you'll have some soon, too.

  5. I am glad to hear that others have not seen butterflies. I have been wondering why as I planted more things to draw them to my garden.
